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New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)


Department of Biomedical Engineering Residential Place


323 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.

NJ, USA 07901

Newark, New Jersey, USA 07102




+1 856 553 5371

Adebusayo Kolade

My name is Adebusayo Kolade. I’m a Senior undergraduate in the Mechanical Engineering program here at NJIT. I am a former undergraduate research fellow of REU sites IoT4Ag at UPenn and NSF Sensors at UMaine. I have conducted magnetometer research with the Physics department here at NJIT, and with Miri Lab, my work has taken a more biomedical focus. Currently, I am working to develop an affordable commercial solution to inline burst pressure measurement in microfluidic systems and plan to soon branch out into volumetric 3D printing for tissue scaffolds.